Join Weird Fictions Research Group for the fith lecture in the Weird Medicine series!

Joachim Budny

New Technologies And Their Impact – From The Psychiatrist’s POV

Thursday, January 25, 2024
 4:45 PM

You can get 3 OZN points for participating in this event.


Dobra 55, room  2.118
(the building features some mobility accommodations: ramp and lift)


To say we live in exciting times right now would be a tremendous understatement! Humanities and arts are not the only areas of knowledge that struggle to navigate the contemporary changes and challenges. The talk with psychiatrist Joachim Budny will serve as an occasion to exchange perspectives and information about the impact of new technologies on our everyday lives and well-being while staying close to this year’s theme of WEIRD MEDICINE.

PS. We will often refer to fictional examples in our conversation. If you have time, please watch at least some of the following titles (it is not necessary, but it may give you food for thought and questions):

  • Her, dir. Spike Jonze, 2013 (available on iTunes, Rakuten, and Loomi for rent);
  • Black Mirror, created by Charlie Brooker, 2011-, episodes “Nosedive” (s03e01, 2016) and “Joan is Awful” (s06e01, 2023).


Joachim Budny is psychiatry resident in MSW „Drewnica” in Ząbki near Warsaw. He has experience in clinical, scientific and business approach; he worked in medical technology startups concerning brain-computer interfaces and VR use in medical applications, at the same time working in out- and inpatient settings in psychiatric wards and private practice. Joachim is also involved in medical trade unions.


Year 2024/2025

ASC Inauguration and Graduation Ceremony 2024/2025

September 6, 2024

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Year 2024/2025

28 Festiwal Nauki: Wszyscy na kozetkę? Kultura terapii i jej krytycy

September 5, 2024

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Year 2024/2025

28 Festiwal Nauki: Superpower of Comics: Are Comics More Than Entertainment?

September 5, 2024

The participants will engage in an intensive session of exploring and qualifying American superhero comic books, which have been long considered as child entertainment. While experiencing the literary status of the superhero genre through a brief set of exemplary titles such as Batman, Superman, and X-Men, the audience will form a collective analysis and critique of the superhero narrative. Following an introductory mini-lecture and a poll on their favorite superhero on the material, the participants will then answer rhetorical questions on why superhero comics can mean more than colorful costumes and superior physical strength. After the Q&A session, the participants will be assigned a superhero comic book material to work within small groups and share their findings with the rest of the audience.

Year 2024/2025

28 Festiwal Nauki: México y Polonia: 95 años de relaciones diplomáticas

September 5, 2024

The lecture marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Poland (February 26, 1928). The lecture examines the collective perceptions that the two countries had of each other at the time, suggesting that the painters Frida Kahlo and Tamara Łempicka embody these collective imaginaries. These two painters provide an opportunity to reflect on the diplomatic relationship between these two republics. The conference also highlights other elements that give content to the bilateral relationship between the republics of Mexico and Poland.

Year 2024/2025

28 Festiwal Nauki: Męskość a neoliberalizm: heteroseks w czasach transformacji

September 5, 2024

Spotkanie zaprezentuje pierwsze ustalenia projektu dr Janion poświęconego hetero męskiej intymności w Polsce w czasach transformacji. Lata 1987–1999 to czas głębokich zmian społecznych i kulturowych – westernizacji kultury, wprowadzenia liberalnej demokracji i gospodarki rynkowej, destabilizacji struktury klasowej. Neoliberalizm kształtował nowe zasady społeczne, zgodnie z którymi każdy był odpowiedzialny za swój sukces finansowy i wygląd, za swoje życie seksualne i ostatecznie za swoje szczęście. Zmiany te doprowadziły do nowych sposobów rozumienia tego, co to znaczy być dobrą obywatelką lub pracowniczką, dobrym kolegą lub rodzicem. Należało ryzykować i inwestować. Nowym dogmatem stał się interes własny, a cechy takie jak elastyczność, przedsiębiorczość, niezależność i konkurencyjność stały się nowymi cnotami.