dr hab. Tomasz Basiuk, prof. ucz.

email: tbasiuk@uw.edu.pl

profile: ORCID

Room 1.027

Office hours in Spring semester 2023/24:
Tuesdays, 10:30 – 11:30

Prof. Basiuk’s research interests include contemporary American fiction and life writing, critical theory, and queer studies. He has authored two monographs and edited or co-edited six volumes and special journal issues in American studies and in gender and sexuality studies. He is a founding co-editor of InterAlia, a queer studies e-journal established in 2006. He was PI in a HERA-funded queer history project (“CRUSEV”) and is a Fulbright alumnus. Currently, he is PI in the “QueerIt: Queer Theory in Transit” project conducted jointly with Humboldt University Berlin. He served as ASC director and as president of the Polish Association for American Studies and has been serving as director of the Institute of the Americas and Europe, of which the ASC is a part, since 2016.

Role at the ASC

Director, Institute of the Americas and Europe (of which ASC is a part) since 2016

Director, American Studies Center, 2005 – 2012


Principal Investigator, “Queer Theory in Transit: Reception, Translation and Production of Queer Theory in Polish and German Academic Contexts (QueerIt),” a projected funded by NCN and DfG, 2023-2026.

Principal Investigator, “Cruising the 1970s: Unearthing pre-HIV/AIDS Queer Sexual Cultures” (CRUSEV), a project funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), 2016 – 2019

President, Polish Association for American Studies, 2013 – 2021

President, American Studies Network, 2013 – 2015

Senior Fulbright Research Grantee, The City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, 2004 – 2005


Five Contemporary Polish Artists Engaging with Race.” Art and Race in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, special issue of Art Margins Online. Contemporary Art Across the Evolving Global Peripheries, 20 Jan. 2021,

“One’s younger self in personal testimony and literary translation.” Queers in State Socialism. Cruising 1970s Poland, edited by Tomasz Basiuk and Jędrzej Burszta, Routledge, 2020, pp. 23 – 32.

Od niepisanej umowy milczenia do protopolityczności: dyskursywny i sieciowy charakter społeczności osób homoseksualnych w ‘długich latach 70.’ w historii mówionej i epistolografii.InterAlia: pismo poświęcone studiom queer, 14 (2019): 28 – 50.

Coming Out in Poland.European Journal for American Studies. 13.3 (2018).

“LGBTQ and Polish Patriarchy.” Poland’s Memory Wars. Essays on Illiberalism, edited by Jo Harper, Central European University Press, 2018, pp. 196 – 202. [Published also in German and Polish translations.]

Exposures. American Gay Men’s Life Writing since Stonewall, Peter Lang, 2013.

Wielki Gaddis. Realista postmodernistyczny, Świat Literacki, 2003.

Courses (selected)

Introduction to American Studies


Andy Warhol


AIDS Narratives

Aspects of American Literary Culture

Hobbies/non-academic interests

Contemporary art