*** The meeting will be held in Spanish // Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku hiszpańskim ***

We kindly invite you to attend a lecture held by Dr. Hector Calleros, “México y Polonia: 95 años de relaciones diplomáticas,” which will take place as part of the 28 th Science Festival!

September 21, 12:30 pm
UW Main Campus, Old Library building (Stara BUW), Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, room 111
free admission


[ESP] La conferencia conmemora el 95 aniversario del establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre México y Polonia (26 de febrero de 1928). En la conferencia se examinan las percepciones colectivas que ambos países tenían del otro en aquella época; se sugiere que las pintoras Frida Kahlo y Tamara Łempicka encarnan esos imaginarios colectivos. Estas dos pintoras ofrecen una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre la relación diplomática entre estas dos repúblicas. La conferencia también destaca otros elementos que dan contenido a la relación bilateral entre las repúblicas de México y Polonia.

[PL] Wykład upamiętnia 95. rocznicę nawiązania stosunków dyplomatycznych między Meksykiem a Polską (26 lutego 1928). Wykład analizuje zbiorowe wyobrażenia, jakie oba kraje miały o sobie nawzajem w tamtym czasie, sugerując, że malarki Frida Kahlo i Tamara Łempicka ucieleśniają te zbiorowe wyobrażenia. Te dwie malarki stanowią okazję do refleksji nad stosunkami dyplomatycznymi między tymi dwiema republikami. Konferencja podkreśla również inne elementy, które nadają treść dwustronnym relacjom między Meksykiem a Polską.

[ENG] The lecture marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Poland (February 26, 1928). The lecture examines the collective perceptions that the two countries had of each other at the time, suggesting that the painters Frida Kahlo and Tamara Łempicka embody these collective imaginaries. These two painters provide an opportunity to reflect on the diplomatic relationship between these two republics. The conference also highlights other elements that give content to the bilateral relationship between the republics of Mexico and Poland.

Dr. Hector Calleros – a lecturer and researcher at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw. His research is centered on the analysis of political processes, social conflicts and ethnicity. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Bucharest’s Research Institute and a visiting researcher at the University of Warsaw’s Institute of International Relations.

He has provided advice on public policy (conflict resolution, human rights, transparency and elections) in Mexico. Trained as a Political Scientist, Dr. Calleros obtained a B.A. from UNAMs School of Political and Social Sciences. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Leeds (U.K.) and received his M.A. in
Legislative Studies from the University of Hull (U.K.). Dr. Calleros has conducted fieldwork in the
United States, Spain, Poland, Romania, Mexico and the United Kingdom.


Classes begin on October 2

September 28, 2024

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Year 2024/2025

ASC Inauguration and Graduation Ceremony 2024/2025

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Year 2024/2025

1 Października: Pomiędzy Światami/ Between Worlds: Spotkanie autorskie i rozmowa z Ireną Klepfisz

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Year 2024/2025

28 Festiwal Nauki: México y Polonia: 95 años de relaciones diplomáticas

September 21, 2024

The lecture marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Poland (February 26, 1928). The lecture examines the collective perceptions that the two countries had of each other at the time, suggesting that the painters Frida Kahlo and Tamara Łempicka embody these collective imaginaries. These two painters provide an opportunity to reflect on the diplomatic relationship between these two republics. The conference also highlights other elements that give content to the bilateral relationship between the republics of Mexico and Poland.