Weird Fictions Research Group invites you to a meeting with
Colin Walder
(CD Projekt RED)

In Conversation with CD Projekt Red: Audio in Cyberpunk 2077

This event is a part of the Weird Music series organized by the Weird Fictions Research Group members and their invited guests.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
at 5:30 p.m.

You can get 2 OZN points for participating in this event.
Check how to collect OZN points online here.


This is an online event. To attend, click the button below or enter into your browser, and join the meeting.


Colin Walder will talk about audio design in “Cyberpunk 2077” and whether cyberpunk can be recognized by its sound. Joanna Kaniewska (Weird Fictions Research Member) will run the meeting, and there’ll be some time for a Q&A too.


Colin Walder

After earning a BSc in Physics with Space Science and Technology and an MA in Music Technology, Colin sought to realize his thesis “Intelligent Audio for Games” by entering the games industry as an audio programmer. In the years since he has worked on a number of AAA games, including GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3: Wild hunt and Cyberpunk 2077. Throughout his career, Colin has sought to promote the role of audio in games and to develop new technologies for implementing and experiencing interactive audio. He is currently Code Lead for Audio and Localization at CD Projekt Red.

Joanna Kaniewska

Asia is a subtitler by day and an independent researcher by night. She graduated from University of Warsaw with MA in Japanese Studies and American Studies and is currently working towards enrolling in the Doctoral School of Humanities. She’s been a part of Weird Fictions Research Group since its very beginnings in 2018. Her academic interests include popular music, Japanese and American popular culture, science fiction, and weird studies. Sometimes, she writes about them on her blog “dziewiętnaście czwartych” (“nineteen fourths”) or talks about them in her radio show “dancing in dystopia.”


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Year 2024/2025

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Year 2024/2025

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